Most of us try to stay away from personal loans. Especially when it means you have to pay a higher rate of interest. This however does not mean it is a bad product, and we promise it can come in handy when one is looking to make cash purchases but don't have the money readily available. Whilst this can be a complicated endeavour, here at Gold Coast Car Finance, we have done our best to make the process as easy and efficient as possible. To find out a bit more about these financial products, please reach out to get in touch with us today.
Used For?
This list is endless and depends on the client's individual wants and needs. We have however compiled some info regarding our loan agreements and have found that most clients take them for the following reasons. These include but are not limited to home improvements and renovations, debt consolidation, weddings, maintenance, medical bills, and a whole host of others. All you need to know is that no matter the reason, we will be here to help you secure the best personal loan possible. Take comfort that when you call our team, you will be speaking with experts in the field of personal loans and they will be able to answer all your questions obligation free.
Don’t Rush
This is by far the biggest mistake clients make when applying for a personal loan. They are in such a rush to get their hands on the funds, that they often forget to read the fine print and end up paying more or paying for longer than they anticipated. To ensure this never happens when using us, we go through every step and line item to ensure that you fully understand what you are getting into before signing on the dotted line. If this sounds like the way you would like to do business, then just give us a call and we'll be more than happy to assist with your loan application.
Helpful Information
Given the current state of affairs in the Australian Personal Loan market, your circumstances and finances have never been more important when lenders are considering how to assess your application. Lenders are currently looking at things like your credit score, your last 90 days banking transaction history, your income, living expenses and more. Speak to us prior to lodging your application if you have any questions or think there might be something that could prevent you from getting the personal loan you're after.
Set-Up Costs
When one is borrowing a fair sum of money, the one thing you want to keep an eye out for is set-up costs. Be they from the financial institution supplying the loan, or from the intermediary that is assisting with the application. If one is not careful, these extra costs can add up very quickly, causing the loan to become unaffordable. This is why we believe that by being upfront and transparent with all our costs, our clients know what they are getting into from the very beginning.
We look forward to providing you with all of the information to help you make an informed decision when considering whether the personal loan in question is right for you. Reach out and speak with one of our friendly, knowledgeable team today.
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